    總頁 2 

    1.On the gravitational signature of zonal flows in Jupiter-like planets: An analytical solution and its numerical validation

    Kong, DL, Zhang, KK,     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2017, Volume 263, Pages 1-6

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  2.156 

    2.Self-consistent internal structure of a rotating gaseous planet and its comparison with an approximation by oblate spheroidal equidensity surfaces

    Kong, DL, Zhang, KK,     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2015, Volume 249, Pages 43-50

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 10  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  2.605 

    3.A full-sphere convection-driven dynamo: Implications for the ancient geomagnetic field

    Zhan, XY, Zhang, KK,     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2011, Volume 187, Issue 3-4, Pages 328-335

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  2.319 

    4.Shapes and gravitational fields of rotating two-layer Maclaurin ellipsoids: Application to planets and satellites

    Schubert, G, Anderso     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2011, Volume 187, Issue 3-4, Pages 364-379

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  2.319 

    5.Simulations of fluid motion in ellipsoidal planetary cores driven by longitudinal libration

    Chan, KH, Liao, XH,     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2011, Volume 187, Issue 3-4, Pages 391-403

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 17  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  2.319 

    6.Simulations of fluid motion in spheroidal planetary cores driven by latitudinal libration

    Chan, KH, Liao, XH,     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2011, Volume 187, Issue 3-4, Pages 404-415

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 13  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  2.319 

    7.A numerical dynamo benchmark (vol 128, pg 25, 2001)

    Christensen, UR, Aub     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2009, Volume 172, Issue 3-4, Pages 356-356

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  1.993 

    8.On the effect of an electrically heterogeneous lower mantle on planetary dynamos

    Chan, KH, Zhang, KK,     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2008, Volume 169, Issue 1-4, Pages 204-210

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  2.353 

    9.On viscous decay factors for spherical inertial modes in rotating planetary fluid cores: Comparison between asymptotic and numerical analysis

    Liao, XH, Zhang, KK

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2008, Volume 169, Issue 1-4, Pages 211-219

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  2.353 

    10.Instabilities in a fluid layer with phase changes (vol 165, pg 147, 2007)

    Roberts, P, Schubert     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2008, Volume 170, Issue 1-2, Pages 147-148

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  2.353 

    11.A new generation of convection-driven spherical dynamos using EBE finite element method

    Chan, KH, Zhang, KK,     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2007, Volume 163, Issue 1-4, Pages 251-265

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 30  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  2.026 

    12.A quasi-geostrophic convection model for planetary systems using a domain decomposition method

    Feng, TH, Liao, XH,     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2007, Volume 163, Issue 1-4, Pages 266-282

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  2.026 

    13.Instabilities in a fluid layer with phase changes

    Roberts, P, Schubert     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2007, Volume 165, Issue 3-4, Pages 147-157

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  2.026 

    14.Dynamics and magnetic fields of the Earth and planetary interiors - Preface

    Jones, CA, Soward, A     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2001, Volume 128, Issue 1-4, Pages 1-1

    收錄情况: WOS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  1.248 

    15.A numerical dynamo benchmark

    Christensen, UR, Aub     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2001, Volume 128, Issue 1-4, Pages 25-34

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 198  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  1.248 

    16.A non-linear, 3-D spherical alpha(2) dynamo using a finite element method

    Chan, KH, Zhang, K,     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2001, Volume 128, Issue 1-4, Pages 35-50

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 34  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  1.248 

    17.On the viscous damping of inertial oscillation in planetary fluid interiors

    Liao, XH, Zhang, K,     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 2001, Volume 128, Issue 1-4, Pages 125-136

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 11  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  1.248 

    18.Magnetohydrodynamics of the Earth's and planetary interiors

    Zhang, K, Fearn, DR,     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 1999, Volume 111, Issue 1-2, Pages 1-1

    收錄情况: WOS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  1.387 

    19.Dynamo action in a uniform ambient field

    Sarson, GR, Jones, C     More...

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 1999, Volume 111, Issue 1-2, Pages 47-68

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 21  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  1.387 

    20.Nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic convective flows in the Earth's fluid core

    Zhang, KK

    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[0031-9201], Published 1999, Volume 111, Issue 1-2, Pages 93-103

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 14  2022影響因子:  2.3  发表年影響因子:  1.387 

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