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    1.A combined framework based on data preprocessing, neural networks and multi-tracker optimizer for wind speed prediction

    Wang, JZ, Wang, Y, L     More...

    SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS[2213-1388], Published 2020, Volume 40,

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 53  2023影響因子:  7.1  发表年影響因子:  5.353 

    2.Recycling of spent Lithium-ion Batteries: A comprehensive review for identification of main challenges and future research trends

    Tian, Guangdong, Yua     More...

    Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments[2213-1388], Published 2022, Volume 53,

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 126  2023影響因子:  7.1  发表年影響因子:  8.0 

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