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    1.Granular data representation under privacy protection: Tradeoff between data utility and privacy via information granularity

    Zhang, G, Zhu, XB, Y     More...

    APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING[1568-4946], Published 2022, Volume 131,

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2023影響因子:  7.2  发表年影響因子:  8.7 

    2.Short-term PV power forecasting based on time series expansion and high-order fuzzy cognitive maps

    Xia, Yurui, Wang, Ji     More...

    Applied Soft Computing[1568-4946], Published 2023, Volume 135,

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 13  2023影響因子:  7.2  发表年影響因子:  7.2 

    3.A hybrid electricity load prediction system based on weighted fuzzy time series and multi-objective differential evolution

    Cao, ZN, Wang, JZ, Y     More...

    APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING[1568-4946], Published 2023, Volume 149,

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2023影響因子:  7.2  发表年影響因子:  7.2 

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