1.A life cycle assessment model for evaluating the environmental impacts of building construction in Hong Kong
Dong, YH, Ng, ST More...
Dong, YH, Ng, ST Less
BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT[0360-1323], Published 2015, Volume 89, Pages 183-191
WOS核心合集引用: 123 2023影響因子: 7.1 发表年影響因子: 3.394
2.A comprehensive analysis towards benchmarking of life cycle assessment of buildings based on systematic review
Dong, YH, Ng, ST, Li More...
Dong, YH, Ng, ST, Liu, P Less
BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT[0360-1323], Published 2021, Volume 204,
WOS核心合集引用: 40 2023影響因子: 7.1 发表年影響因子: 7.093
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