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    张雪, 杨梓蓉

    汉字文化[1001-0661], Published 2022, Issue 8, Pages 12-14

    收錄情况: CNKI

    2.Misplaced Address : Variation and Generalization of Social Appellations in Contemporary Chinese

    Zhang, Xue

    The 22nd International Conference on Chinese Language and Culture (ICCLC-22), Published 2022,

    4.“大概”与“大约”的模糊限制功能差异及教学思考 = The Pragmatic Differences of Hedges Dagai "probably" and Dayue "approximately"

    Zhang, Xue

    28th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-28), Published 2022,

    5.國際中文教師中英課堂元話語使用對比 = The Differences in Metadiscourse Use Among Chinese TCFL Teachers in Chinese and English Classes


    國際中文教育教學法創新與應用研討會暨第七屆漢語國際傳播研究分會年會, Published 2022,

    6.线上中文课堂的新兴教师元话语 = Emerging teaching metadiscourse in online Chinese class


    第18届国际中文教育学术研讨会(ICCSL-18), Published 2022,

    7.Wild Association and How to Guide It

    Zhang, X.

    The 3rd Peking University World Chinese Forum, Published 2022,

    8.Contemporary Chinese Social Vocative Terms

    Zhang, X.

    Chinese Lexical Semantics[0302-9743], Published 2022, Volume 13250, Pages 306-319

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS




    语言与翻译[1001-0823], Published 2022, Issue 01, Pages 49-54

    收錄情况: CNKI

    13.Understanding the Development of Failed Humor in Chinese

    Zhang X.

    1st International Conference on Discourse Pragmatics, Published 2022,



    第22屆漢語詞彙語義學國際研討會(The 22nd Chinese Lexical Semantic Workshop. CLSW2021), Published 2021,

    15.Subjective Negative Structure in Chinese: A Case Study of "Da 'Big' plus NP (De)" Sentence with the Uncorrelated Relations

    Zhang, X

    CHINESE LEXICAL SEMANTICS (CLSW 2020)[0302-9743], Published 2021, Volume 12278, Pages 118-126

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS


    18.Saam-kap-dai and Superdiversity : The Characteristics and Evolution of the Chinese Language Newspapers in Macao

    Zhang, Xue

    2nd International Conference on Encounter with the Human Sciences & The 4th LinCog – International Symposium on Language and Cognition, Published 2021,

    19.印度喀拉拉邦的語言繼承與發展 = Language Inheritance and Development in Kerala, India


    第七屆中國語言政策與語言規劃學術研討會, Published 2021,

    20.澳門特有詞語的語義演變 = The Semantic Shift of Macao-Specific Words


    「多元文化環境中的語言研究和中文教育」學術研討會, Published 2021,

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