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    1.Measuring Information Technology Department Service Quality from Casino's Employees in Macau

    Pai, CK, Xia, ML, Ch     More...


    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS


    2.A TAM-based approach to explore the effect of online experience on destination image: A smartphone user's perspective

    Xia, ML, Zhang, Y, Z     More...

    JOURNAL OF DESTINATION MARKETING & MANAGEMENT[2212-571X], Published 2018, Volume 8, Pages 259-270

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 72  2023影響因子:  8.9  发表年影響因子:  3.800 

    3.Cross-lingual analysis of English and Chinese web search

    Lin, PG, Zhang, T, X     More...

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB AND GRID SERVICES[1741-1106], Published 2018, Volume 14, Issue 4, Pages 376-399

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2023影響因子:  1.0  发表年影響因子:  0.833 

    4.A comparison of the official tourism website of five east tourism destinations

    Pai, ChenKuo, Xia, M     More...

    Information Technology and Tourism[1098-3058], Published 2014, Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 97-117

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用: 12  2023影響因子:  6.3 

    5.A structural equation model of the effect of booking APPs towards on hotel brand image: a smartphone user perspective

    Xia, M. L., Zhang, Y     More...

    21st Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Annual Conference, Published 2015, Pages 135-141

    6.Assessing Official Tourism Website Effectiveness among Five East Asian Countries

    Pai, C. K., Xia, M.     More...

    2nd Annual International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Research (THoR 2013), Published 2013,

    7.Linear and nonlinear relationships: a hybrid SEM-neural network approach to verify the links of online experience with luxury hotel branding

    Xia, ML, Zhang, Y

    JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM INSIGHTS[2514-9792], Published 2021, Volume 5, Issue 5, Pages 1062-1079

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2023影響因子:  4.8 

    8.Creative Tea Beverages as a New Tourism Attraction? Exploring Determinants of Tourists' Repurchase Intention Using Dual Process Theory

    Xia, ML, Zhang, Y, G     More...

    SUSTAINABILITY[2071-1050], Published 2023, Volume 15, Issue 13,

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2023影響因子:  3.3  发表年影響因子:  3.3 

    9.The Causality and Antecedents of Tourism Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises' (SMEs) Coopetition in Complex Institutional Contexts

    Zhang, Y, Xia, ML, L     More...

    SUSTAINABILITY[2071-1050], Published 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6,

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2023影響因子:  3.3  发表年影響因子:  3.3 

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