2019-2020 [Health and Medical Fund] Workplace Mental Wellbeing through Enhancing Mental Health Literacy and Improving Workplace Friendliness in Hong Kong: The WPMHL Project (Principal Investigator)
2019-2020 [Professional Advance Support Scheme (PASS)] The establishment of an International Interdisciplinary and Interprofessional Network for Community-based Aged Care Services- developing an urban model of care in Hong Kong (Principal Investigator)
2018-2020 [The NHMRC project of Priority-driven Collaborative Cancer Research Scheme grants] Improving Patient Reported pain Outcomes through mHealth Practitioner Training (I-PROMPT): A phase III wait-listed randomised control trial
2018- [The Quality Education Enhancement Scheme (QESS)] The eTeachLit Project for the enhancement of eTeaching literacy for health and non-health related academic staff in tertiary education institutes (Principal Investigator)
2017-2020 [Heart Foundation Research Program grant] NSW longitudinal study of first-time mothers with heart disease and their babies
2017-2020 [Cancer Australia Priority Driven Collaborative Cancer Research Scheme] Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III trial of oral melatonin for the prevention of delirium in hospital in people with advanced cancer
2017-2020 [National Breast Cancer Foundation - Pilot Study Grant 2017] Phase II (pilot) cluster randomised controlled trial of a multi-component multi-disciplinary non-pharmacological intervention to prevent delirium for hospitalised people with advanced breast cancer
2017-2018 [The ACT Health Department Development Grant] Integrating specialist palliative care into residential care for older people: a stepped wedge trial (The INSPIRED Trial)
2017- [The Australia-China Council Project Grant] The Mental Health Literacy in Nurses and Teachers in Guangxi, China (Principal Investigator)
2016-2017 [Australia China Council Project grant] Mental Health Education for education and health professionals in Gunagxi, China
2015-2016 [Institute Research Grants] Family Cohesion, Parental Internet Behavior and Problematic Internet Use in Adolescence: A Parent-Child Dyad Study (Principal Investigator)
2015-2016 [Institute Research Grants] The Regional Youth Mental Health Literacy Study (RYMHLS)- Pilot phase (Principal Investigator)
2015-2017 [The Quality Education Fund] The Socio-Emotional Well-being of Early Childhood (SEWEC) Project: An effective and sustainable programme for early childhood teachers to enhance teachers' and children's socio-emotional competence (Principal Investigator)
2014-2015 [BUPA Foundation Grants Program for 2014] Improving Pain management for Older People in residential aged care: iPOP Project
2014- [Knowledge Transfer Grants] Promotion of physical activity in kindergarten through AEROfit (Principal Investigator)
2014-2015 [Knowledge Transfer Grants] Use of games for children with disabilities in special and inclusive schools (Principal Investigator)
2014-2015 [Teaching Development Grants] Interaction-Designed Activities inspiring students' active communication and involvement (Principal Investigator)
2014-2015 The Development and Validation of the Childhood Problematic Gaming Scale (CPGS) (Principal Investigator)
2013-2014 [Hull York Medical School Research Committee and Sacred Heart Clinical Trials Unit, The Cunningham Centre for Palliative Care] The hand held battery operated fan as a self-management strategy: assessing the fan's capacity to increase physical activity in patients with breathlessness and reducing carer anxiety- A collaboration between UK and Australia
2013- [The Tin Ka Ping Education Fund] International Scholar Exchange program (Principal Investigator)
2013- [Knowledge Transfer Grants] The Health and Safety Kindergarten Project (HKG) (Principal Investigator)
2013-2014 [Heart Clinical Trials Unit, The Cunningham Centre for Palliative Care] The hand held battery operated fan as a self-management strategy: assessing the fan's capacity to increase physical activity in patients with breathlessness and reducing carer anxiety- A collaboration between UK and Australia (Principal Investigator)
2012-2013 [Internal Research Grants] The Adolescent Health Literacy Study (Principal Investigator)
2011-2013 [National Health and Medical Research Council Project Grant] A multi-site randomised controlled trial comparing the severity of constipation symptoms experienced by palliative care patients receiving usual care compared to those diagnosed and managed according to the underlying pathophysiology
2011-2012 Children of the Flowing Population Mental Health Study (Principal Investigator)
2010-2011 The Henan Secondary School Bullying Study (Principal Investigator)
2008- The Chinese Child Behaviours Assessment Tool Study (Principal Investigator)
2008-2011 The Guangzhou Child Mental Health Longitudinal Study (Principal Investigator)
2008- The Guangzhou Elite Young athletes Health Survey (Principal Investigator)
2007-2008 [MAA project grants] The Paediatric Trauma Care Management Study- A Randomised Control Trial
2007-2008 Effects of Exposure to High Iodine concentration in drinking water among children (Principal Investigator)
2006-2007 [Funding for the pilot study: Perpetual Trust Funds] Prescribed Exercise and Recovery from Traumatic Head Injury Study: A Randomised Control Trial
2006-2007 [University of Sydney Research & Development Scheme 2006] Prescribed Exercise and Recovery from Traumatic Head Injury Study: A Randomised Control Trial
2005-2006 [Sydney Children Hospital Research Grants Scheme 2005] NSW Paediatric Sport Injury Surveillance Study
2005-2006 The Childhood Drowning Study in Guangxi Province, China (Principal Investigator)
2005-2006 The Childhood poisoning Study in Guangxi Province, China (Principal Investigator)
2005-2006 Obesity and Adolescent Injury Study in Guangxi, China (Principal Investigator)
2004-2005 An environmental study on Legionella Pneumophila in Tianjin, China (Principal Investigator)
2003-2004 The Injury Mortality Study in Guangxi Province, China (Principal Investigator)
2002-2005 [National Health and Medical Research Council Project Grant] The NSW Young Driver Cohort Study: A study on risk factors of car crash injuries among young drivers
2001-2002 The Auckland Car Crash Injury Study (Principal Investigator)
1999-2000 [Injury Prevention Policy Unit, NSW Health Department] A pilot study into the epidemiological and environmental factors relating to back yard pool near drowning in New South Wales
1998-1999 [Motor Accident Authority (NSW)] Paediatric Pedestrian and Cyclis Injury Prevention Study - the Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour of parents and school children survey
1998-2002 [Centre for Mental Health, NSW Health Department] The NSW Police Report of Death Project: A suicide and illicit drug death surveillance study
1997-2000 [Internal funding by the Children Hospital at Westmead] Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit Epidemiological studies of Hirschsprung's Disease in Australia
1996-1996 [The Children's Hospital Grant] Are You Out of Place? A work environment study among young medical staff
1996-1998 [The Health and Human Services Research and Development Grants] The Psychological health effects of trauma exposure on hospital staff
1995-1997 [Motor Accident Authority (NSW)] Analysis of paediatric trauma deaths and post event family morbidity
1994-1999 [Internal funding by the Children Hospital at Westmead] Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit Epidemiological studies of drowning and near drowning in Australia
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