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    1.Addendum to Networking and obstacles to the development of the language sciences as reflected in the correspondence of Rodolfo Lenz and Hugo Schuchardt

    Sousa, Silvio de, Mü     More...

    History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences, Published 2016,

    2.Networking and obstacles to the development of the language sciences as reflected in the correspondence of Rodolfo Lenz and Hugo Schuchardt

    Sousa, Silvio de, Mü     More...

    History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences, Published 2016,

    3.Hugo Schuchardt and his Network of Knowledge

    Sousa, Silvio de, Mü     More...

    History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences, Published 2015,

    4.Überreste eines Netzwerks. Die Korrespondenz von Eduard Hoffmann-Krayer und Johan Hendrik Gallée mit Hugo Schuchard

    Sousa, Silvio de

    Grazer Linguistische Studien, Published 2016, Volume 85, Pages 145-164

    5.O papel das bibliografias na História da Crioulística

    Sousa, Silvio de

    Papia: Revista Brasileira de Estudos do Contato Linguístico[2316-2767], Published 2012, Volume 22, Issue 2, Pages 335-354

    6.The shades of Being Eurasian and Its Reverberations among The Community in Malaysia

    Raan-Hann, Tan, Sous     More...

    CALA: Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2020, Published 2020,

    7.Addressing Family And Friends In The Portuguese Settlement

    Raan-Hann, Tan, Sous     More...

    II Seminar Of The Unesco Chair “Language Policies For Multilingualism”: Multilingualism In Greater China, Asia And Beyond: Policies, Mobility And Transculturality, Published 2019, Pages 1-11

    8.What Is In A Name? Monikers Of Ethnicity And Linguistic Contact

    Raan-Hann, Tan, Sous     More...

    Workshop On Linguistic Minorities In Asia, Published 2019, Pages 1-19

    9.O papel das bibliografias na História da Crioulística II: Uma reação em cadeia

    Sousa, Silvio de

    PAPIA: Revista Brasileira de Estudos do Contato Linguístico[2316-2767], Published 2018, Volume 28, Issue 2, Pages 201-218

    10.A língua como elemento de identidade cultural: A propósito de um manual trilingue relativo ao Crioulo Português de Malaca

    Sousa, Silvio de

    Revista Oriente Ocidente, Published 2018, Volume 35, Issue 2, Pages 100-101

    11.Across the oceans and through the Alps: The intellectual networks of 19th-century creolistics

    Krämer, Philipp, Sou     More...

    Grazer Linguistische Studien[1015-0498], Published 2017, Volume 87, Pages 107-132

    12.History of creole studies

    Sousa, Silvio de, Mü     More...

    Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Linguistics, Published 2019, Pages 1-51

    13.Introduzindo a comunidade portuguesa de Malaca

    Sousa, Silvio de

    Revista Mar de Cultura 2, Published 2016,

    14.From Santiago de Chile to Graz, Austria: The correspondence between Rodolfo Lenz and Hugo Schuchardt De Santiago de Chile a Graz, Austria: La correspondencia entre Rodolfo Lenz y Hugo Schuchardt

    Mücke, Johannes, de     More...

    Boletin de Filologia[0067-9674], Published 2020, Volume 55, Issue 2, Pages 205-252

    收錄情况: SCOPUS

    15.'My brother from another mother' Mapping the kinship terminology of Malacca Creole Portuguese

    De Sousa, SM, Tan, R     More...

    JOURNAL OF PIDGIN AND CREOLE LANGUAGES[0920-9034], Published 2022, Volume 37, Issue 2, Pages 247-290

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2023影響因子:  0.5  发表年影響因子:  0.7 

    16.'It runs in the family' Reconstructing the kinship terminology of Tugu Creole Portuguese

    Tan, Raan Hann, De S     More...

    Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages[0920-9034], Published 2024,

    收錄情况: WOS SCOPUS

    WOS核心合集引用:  2023影響因子:  0.5 

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