2023-2026 [澳門科學技術發展基金項目/ FDCT Projects] UNC5C netrin受體在腸神經系統發育和引致先天性巨結腸的分子機制 = Molecular mechanisms of UNC5C netrin receptor in the development of enteric nervous system and pathogenesis of Hirschsprung disease (Principal Investigator)
2022-2026 [Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks] GLOAS Limited. Incu-Bio Programme (Principal Investigator)
2022-2023 [澳門科技大學研究基金(FRG)項目)/ MUST Faculty Research Grant Projects] ABCA1基因表達改變對小鼠膽道上皮類器官發育及功能的影響 = The study of ABCA1 dysregulation on the developmental and functional effects of biliary organoid in mic (Principal Investigator)
2021-2022 [Research Grant Council Theme-based Research Scheme] Translating Disease-Mechanism Discoveries to Improve Treatment of Biliary Atresia, an Intractable Newborn Liver Disease (Principal Investigator)
2020-2021 [RGC Collaborative Research Fund/CRF] Comparison of paediatric and adult responses to coronavirus infection – a molecular, cellular and tissue study (Principal Investigator)
2020-2021 [RGC General Research Fund] Modelling disease mechanisms and risks of congenital bile-duct dilatation using whole exome sequencing and SNP array data (Principal Investigator)
2019-2021 [Seed Fund for Basic Research] Whole exome sequencing of 8 trios devoid of mutation in the main genes known to underly Hirschsprung disease (Principal Investigator)
2018-2020 [Health and Medical Research Fund/HMRF] Functional genetic study to unravel the genetic background of choledochal cyst (Principal Investigator)
2018-2019 [RGC General Research Fund] The biliary atresia genome: a pilot study to model disease from whole genome sequencing data (Principal Investigator)
2016-2018 [Health and Medical Research Fund/HMRF] Decoding biliary atresia at the transcriptome and tissue architecture level (Principal Investigator)
2016-2018 [Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research] CDD55 and biliary atresia (Principal Investigator)
2015-2017 [RGC General Research Fund] Using genome-editing system to establish human stem cell-based disease model for studying Hirschsprungs (HSCR) associated genetic lesions (Principal Investigator)
2015-2019 [Theme-based Research Scheme] Genetics and functional genomics of neural crest stem cells and associated disease: Hirschsprung disease (Principal Investigator)
2014-2016 [Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research] Generation of isogenic human embryonic stem cells for modeling Hirschsprung's disease (Principal Investigator)
2013-2014 [RGC General Research Fund] Uncovering the genetic lesions underlying persistent cloaca by whole genome sequencing (Principal Investigator)
2012-2013 [RGC General Research Fund] Study on genomic structural variations in Hirschsprung disease (Principal Investigator)
2012-2014 [S.K. Yee Medical Foundation] Advancing laparoscopic skills in China – an extension of the current laparoscopic workshop scheme (Principal Investigator)
2012-2014 [Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research] Study of de novo copy number variations (CNV) in Hirschsprung disease (Principal Investigator)
2011-2012 [The Graduate Research Fund/GRF] Study on genomic structural variations in Hirschsprung's disease GRF Incentive Award (Principal Investigator)
2011-2013 [Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research] Validation of NRG3 copy number variations in the genome of Hirschsprung's patients (Principal Investigator)
2010-2013 [RGC General Research Fund] Deep re-sequencing of Hirschsprung's disease candidate genes (Principal Investigator)
2010-2012 [S.K. Yee Medical Foundation] Establishing S.K. Yee Medical Foundation clinical fellowships (Principal Investigator)
2010-2012 [Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research] NRG1 intron 1 SNPs in Hirschsprung's disease (Principal Investigator)
2009-2011 [S.K. Yee Medical Foundation] Improving the surgical care of sick children in Hong Kong by providing cutting edge minimally invasive and robotic surgery (Principal Investigator)
2008-2009 [France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme] Dissecting Hirschsprung's disease: international Hirschsprung's disease consortium (Principal Investigator)
2008-2011 [RGC General Research Fund] Genome-wide association study for the identification of genes underlying anorectal malformation (Principal Investigator)
2008-2010 [S.K. Yee Medical Foundation] Offering surgical care to poor children with major congenital anomalies in rural China (Principal Investigator)
2008-2010 [S.K. Yee Medical Foundation] Establishing a quaternary paediatric gastrointestinal centre for Hong Kong (Principal Investigator)
2008-2010 [URC Seed Funding for Basic Research] Sequencing of the HOXD13 gene in patients with anorectal malformations (Principal Investigator)
2007-2008 [RGC General Research Fund] Study of the genetic basis of biliary atresia (Principal Investigator)
2007-2010 [RGC General Research Fund] Genetic dissection of Hirschsprung's disease (Principal Investigator)
2007-2009 [S.K. Yee Medical Foundation] Offering laparoscopic surgical workshops in China (Principal Investigator)
2007-2009 [URC Seed Funding for Basic Research] Whole genome family based association study to search for RET-dependent modifiers in Hirschsprung's disease (Principal Investigator)
2005-2010 [S.K. Yee Medical Foundation] Further expansion of the “Train-the-Trainers” programme for paediatric surgery in China (Principal Investigator)
2004-2005 [CRCG] Evaluation of HOXB5 as a new Hirschsprung's disease susceptibility locus (Principal Investigator)
2004-2005 [University's Incentive Award] T cell memory and chronic rejection (Principal Investigator)
2003-2004 [CRCG] The study of co-stimulatory function of sonic hedgehog in CD4+ lymphocytes (Principal Investigator)
2003-2007 [S.K. Yee Medical Foundation Grant] Improving the survival and quality of life of children with cancers in China (Principal Investigator)
2003-2004 [University's Incentive Award] The role of T regulatory cell in the long-term survival of orthotropic small bowel allograft (Principal Investigator)
2002-2005 [RGC General Research Fund] Sonic hedgehog signalling in chronic allograft rejection (Principal Investigator)
2002-2003 [URC Seed Funding] The study of T regulatory cell in the indefinite survival of orthotropic small bowel allograft (Principal Investigator)
2001-2004 [RGC General Research Fund] OX40/OX40L-costimulatory pathway in transplantation rejection and tolerance induction (Principal Investigator)
2001-2002 [URC Seed Funding] Investigation of the role of Sox10 gene in enteric nervous system development by explant and organ culture systems (Principal Investigator)
2000-2001 [France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme] Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) of the RET protooncogene in RET associated diseases (Principal Investigator)
2000-2002 [RGC General Research Fund] Multiple molecular approaches for elucidating the multigenic nature of Hirschsprung's disease in Chinese patients (Principal Investigator)
2000-2003 [S.K. Yee Medical Foundation] Expanding the "Train-the-Trainers" programme for paediatric surgery in China (Principal Investigator)
2000-2001 [URC Seed Funding] High throughput analysis of expression profile of genes implicated in enteric neural development and in Hirschsprung's disease in human (Principal Investigator)
1999-2000 [CRCG (seed-funding)] Molecular mechanisms of intestinal ischaemia-reperfusion injury (Principal Investigator)
1999-2001 [Faculty of Medicine(Research Officer appointment in support of Centres of Excellence under the Faculty and Inter-departmental Collaborative Projects)] Molecular mechanisms of intestinal transplant failures: ischaemia-reperfusion injury and immunological rejection (Principal Investigator)
1999-2000 [France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme] Analysis of somatic mutations of the ret protooncogene in ret associated diseases (Principal Investigator)
1999-1999 [Fujisawa] New methods of immunosuppression in allogenic small bowel transplantation (Principal Investigator)
1999-2002 [Postdoctoral Fellowship Schemes, University of Hong Kong] Transgenesis animals as bioreactors (Principal Investigator)
1998-1999 [CRCG] Molecular studies of transcription factors implicated in enteric neural development and in Hirschsprung's disease (Principal Investigator)
1998-2000 [Research Associate Professorship Scheme, University of Hong Kong] Molecular study of neural crest disorders (Principal Investigator)
1998-2000 [RGC General Research Fund] Immune mechanisms and new immunosuppressive approaches in small bowel transplantation (Principal Investigator)
1998-2001 [S.K. Yee Medical Foundation] Establishing a “Train-the-Trainers' programme for paediatric surgery in China (Principal Investigator)
1998-2000 [UK/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, British Council] The role of neurotrophic factors in Hirschsprung's disease and idiopathic slow transit constipation - a common link? (Principal Investigator)
1997-1998 [Chinese Medicine Research, HKU] Immunosuppressive properties of Tripterygium wolfordii in small bowel transplantation (Principal Investigator)
1997-1998 [Research Student Support Fund] Intestinal failure and experimental small bowel transplantation (Principal Investigator)
1997-1998 [Rotary Club of Kowloon East] Improvement of the care of children with vomiting (Principal Investigator)
1997-1999 [Vice-Chancellor's Development Fund] Transgenesis animals as bioreactors: production of a new immunosuppressive protein CTLA4Ig by transgenesis (Principal Investigator)
1996-1999 [CRCG] Genetic analysis of Hirschsprung's disease (intestinal aganglionosis): clinical pathological-epidemiological correlation (Principal Investigator)
1996-1996 [Fujisawa] New methods of immunosuppression in allogenic small bowel transplantation (Principal Investigator)
1995-1996 [Action Research] Novel immunosuppression in allogenic small bowel transplantation (Principal Investigator)
1995- [Mason Medical Research Foundation] A novel approach to immunosuppression in small bowel transplantation using a HLA class 1 - derived peptide (Principal Investigator)
1995- [Peel Medical Research Trust] Characterisation and identification of genes for Hirschsprung's disease (Principal Investigator)
1995- [Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh] The effect of FK506 recipient pretreatment on intragraft cytokine gene expression following small bowel transplantation in rats (Principal Investigator)
1995- [Sir Edward Penley Abraham Research Fund] New approaches of immunosuppression in small bowel transplantation (Principal Investigator)
1994- [Medical Research Fund, University of Oxford] Molecular mechanisms regulating neural crest cell migration in gut during early development (Principal Investigator)
1994- [Royal College of Surgeons of England Research Fellowship] Immune mechanisms of rejection in combined small bowel - liver transplantation (Principal Investigator)
1993-1996 [The Children's Research Fund] Immunological mechanisms of rejection in small bowel transplantation and their modulation with new methods of immunosuppression (Principal Investigator)
1992-1993 [Medical Research Fund, University of Oxford] Immunological mechanisms of rejection of small bowel transplantation (Principal Investigator)
1992- [Peel Medical Trust] Immunological mechanisms of rejection of small bowel transplantation (Principal Investigator)
1991-1996 [John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford] Immunological mechanisms of rejection of small bowel transplantation (Principal Investigator)
1991- [Medical Insurance Agency Charity] Molecular mechanisms regulating neural crest cell migration in gut during early development (Principal Investigator)
1991-1996 [Oxford Regional Health Authority] Molecular mechanisms regulating neural crest cell migration in gut during early development (Principal Investigator)
1990-1991 [Alder Hey children's Hospital Trust Funds] An immunohistochemical study of Hirschsprung's Disease and related disorders (Principal Investigator)
1990-1991 [The Children's Research Fund] An immunohistochemical study of Hirschsprung's Disease and related disorders (Principal Investigator)
1990- [Wellcome Trust] Molecular biological investigations into the relationship between cytomegalovirus and Hirschsprung's Disease (Principal Investigator)
1989- [Wellcome Trust] Neuron cell adhesion molecules in aganglionic colon in mouse and man (Principal Investigator)
1988- [University of Liverpool Research Grant] Anorectal manometry for bowel motility problems in children (Principal Investigator)
1986-1989 [The Children's Research Fund] Development and abnormalities of enteric nervous system (Principal Investigator)
1986-1987 [Wing Lung Bank Medical Research Fund] Serum gastrin and pepsinogen 1 levels in surgical subjects (Principal Investigator)
1985-1986 [University Research Grant (Hong Kong)] Serum gastrin and pepsinogen 1 levels in surgical subjects (Principal Investigator)
- [Health and Medical Research Fund/HMRF] Whole exome sequencing to uncover genetics variants underlying congenital cystic adenomatoid malformations (Principal Investigator)
- [Health and Medical Research Fund Commissioned PaediatricResearch] Molecular diagnosis of rare genetic diseases: whole genome sequencing and transcriptomics of biliary atresia, Hirschsprung disease and congenital pulmonary airway malformations (Principal Investigator)
- [Health and Medical Research Fund Commissioned PaediatricResearch] To elucidate the role of ‘niche' factors in the pathogenesis of Biliary Atresia using an advanced organoid system (Principal Investigator)
- [Innovation and Technology Fund University-Industry Collaboration Programme] Advancing Diagnosis and Treatment of Two Liver Diseases, Alagille Syndrome and Biliary Atresia, by Organoid and Single Cell Transcriptome Analysis (Principal Investigator)
- [Innovation and Technology Fund University-Industry Collaboration Programme] Establishment of new treatment strategy for neurological diseases using patient specific induced pluripotent stem cells and high-resolution single cell sequencing (Principal Investigator)
2003- [The Croucher Foundation] Croucher Advanced Study Institute: Advances and Challenges of Stem Cell Research
2003-2004 [The University of Hong Kong Foundation for Education Development and Research] Biotech Company in the Faculty of Medicine, HKU
2001- [The Croucher Foundation] Croucher Advanced Study Institute: Fundamentals of Human Genetics and Genomic Biology
2000- [Seeding-funding, Faculty of Medicine] Center of Human Development and Birth Defects
2000- [The Croucher Foundation] Croucher Advanced Study Institute: Genetics, Health and Disease in the Post Genome Project Era
2020-2021 [RGC General Research Fund] A novel bioinformatics framework for curating and analyzing structural variations from whole genome sequencing data (Co-Investigator)
2019-2021 [Health and Medical Research Fund/HMRF] A sensitized genetic screen to identify and functionally characterize genetic modifiers for Hirschsprung disease (Co-Investigator)
2019-2021 [RGC General Research Fund] Functional genomics to investigate cholangiocyte cilia dysfunctions in biliary atresia (Co-Investigator)
2017-2019 [Health and Medical Research Fund/HMRF] Identification and functional characterization of Hirshsprung disease susceptibility genes on chromosome 21 (Co-Investigator)
2016-2018 [Innovation and Technology Support Programme (Tier 2)] Establishing a molecular encyclopedia for stem cell and regenerative medicine: Heart (Co-Investigator)
2015-2017 [Health and Medical Research Fund/HMRF] The International Hirschsprung Disease Consortium: follow-up on whole-exome sequencing data (Co-Investigator)
2015-2017 [Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research] Anorectal malformations: transethnic follow-up on DDK4 (Co-Investigator)
2014-2017 [RGC General Research Fund] Causative genes for perinatal biliary atresia: a follow-up of whole-exome sequencing (Co-Investigator)
2014-2016 [Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research] Villin 1 (VIL1) mutations in biliary atresia patients: a coincidence? (Co-Investigator)
2014-2016 [Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research] Do de novo chromosomal abnormalities lead to sporadic biliary atresia? (Co-Investigator)
2014-2015 [Small Project Funding] Copy number variation in syndromic Hirschsprung disease patients (Co-Investigator)
2013-2014 [Health and Medical Research Fund/HMRF] Uncovering the genetic lesions underlying the most severe form of Hirschsprung (HSCR) disease by whole genome sequencing (WGS): a pilot study in 8 family trios (Co-Investigator)
2013-2014 [Health and Medical Research Fund/HMRF] Potential use of patient specific induced-pluriopotent stem cell (iPSC) to define genetic lesions contributing to the disease phenotypes of syndromic Hirschsprung (HSCR) (Co-Investigator)
2013-2014 [Health and Medical Research Fund/HMRF] Functional genetics study to unravel the genetic background of a complex neurodevelopmental disorder namely Hirschsprung disease (Co-Investigator)
2013-2014 [RGC General Research Fund] Congenital dilatation of the bile ducts (CCD): a genetic study (Co-Investigator)
2012-2013 [RGC General Research Fund] Whole-exome sequencing to uncover causative genes for perinatal biliary atresia (Co-Investigator)
2011-2012 [RGC General Research Fund] Whole-exome sequencing to identify genes underlying Caudal Regression Syndrome (Co-Investigator)
2011-2012 [RGC General Research Fund] Transcriptional regulation of RET in Hirschsprung's disease (Co-Investigator)
2011-2013 [Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research] Investigation of structural variations in Caudal Regression Syndrome Patients (Co-Investigator)
2011-2013 [Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research] Meta-analysis of Chinese and European genome-wide association studies of Hirschsprung's disease and confirmation of novel loci (Co-Investigator)
2010-2012 [Innovation and Technology Support Programme] Next generation high-throughput and targeted DNA sequencing platforms for systematic discovery of novel diagnostic markers of common disease (Co-Investigator)
2010-2011 [RGC General Research Fund] Prokineticin signalling in neuroblastoma (Co-Investigator)
2010-2011 [RGC General Research Fund] Premature gliogenesis of enteric neural crest cells induced by aberrant Sonic hedgehog-Notch signalling: a cause of Hirschsprung diseases? (Co-Investigator)
2010-2012 [S.K. Yee Medical Foundation] Development of minimally invasive surgery service for children in centres in rural China (Co-Investigator)
2010-2012 [Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research] Exon sequencing of Semaphorin, a novel Hirschsprung's disease susceptibility locus (Co-Investigator)
2009-2010 [RGC General Research Fund] Fine mapping of Hirschsprung's disease loci on the 3p21 and 9q31 candidate regions (Co-Investigator)
2009-2011 [RGC General Research Fund] Thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1), a potential susceptibility gene for familial papillary thyroid carcinoma (Co-Investigator)
2009-2011 [RGC General Research Fund] Identification of functional variants in Neuregulin-1 (NRG1), a newly discovered Hirschsprung disease gene (Co-Investigator)
2009-2011 [Seed Project Funding] Inkjet printing of tissue-engineered skin construct for vascular regeneration in wound healing (Co-Investigator)
2008-2011 [RGC General Research Fund] Genome-wide association study of schizophrenia (Co-Investigator)
2008-2010 [RGC General Research Fund] Functional evaluation of RET coding and non-coding sequence mutations in Hirschsprung's disease (Co-Investigator)
2008-2011 [RGC General Research Fund] HOXB5 and RET promoter: regulation of RET transcription in Hirschsprung's disease (Co-Investigator)
2008-2010 [RGC General Research Fund] The role of adiponectin in cardiac allograft survival and immune regulation (Co-Investigator)
2007-2009 [RGC General Research Fund] Investigation of cell autonomous function of Hedgehog signaling on vagal neural crest cells by conditional knockout of Smoothened in mice (Co-Investigator)
2007-2010 [RGC General Research Fund] Molecular characterization of the transcriptional regulatory elements involved in the synergistic induction of heme oxygenase-1 expression by traditional Chinese medicines (Co-Investigator)
2007-2008 [URC Seed Funding] Functional analysis of RET coding region mutations (Co-Investigator)
2006-2008 [RGC General Research Fund] Study of the molecular basis of anorectal malformations (Co-Investigator)
2005-2008 [RGC General Research Fund] Functional analysis of Hoxb5 in enteric neurons in mice (Co-Investigator)
2005-2008 [RGC General Research Fund] Investigating the moleculars basis of Sox10 functions in enteric nervous system development using a series of mutant mouse models (Co-Investigator)
2005-2006 [URC Seed Funding] Study of the molecular basis of anorectal malformations (Co-Investigator)
2004-2006 [RGC General Research Fund] Conditional knockout of Patched gene in enteric neural crest cells: functional study of the role of Hedgehog signaling in enteric nervous system development (Co-Investigator)
2004-2007 [RGC General Research Fund] RET regulatory polymorphisms and susceptibility to Hirschsprung's disease (Co-Investigator)
2003- [Innovation and Technology Fund] A haplotype map (HapMap) of the human genome – Hong Kong contribution (Co-Investigator)
2003-2005 [RGC General Research Fund] Regulation of gene transcription by NF-kB and stats downstream of the ret receptor tyrosine kinase in Hirschsprung disease and thyroid cancer (Co-Investigator)
2003-2005 [RGC General Research Fund] Epigenetic and genetic deregulation in pediatric solid tumors (Co-Investigator)
2003- [University Grant Committee] A haplotype map (HapMap) of the human genome – Hong Kong contribution (Co-Investigator)
2002-2004 [RGC General Research Fund] Engrailed-Hoxb5 chimaeric transcription repressor: a novel approach to investigate Hoxb5 function in enteric neurons and gut development in transgenic mice (Co-Investigator)
2001- [URC Seed Funding] The effect of tryptophan metabolism on the regulation of function and migration of dendritic cells (Co-Investigator)
2000- [Queen Mary Hospital Charity Ltd - Training and Research Assistant Scheme] Can nitric oxide donors protect premature babies from necrotising enterocolitis (Co-Investigator)
2000-2001 [RGC Earmarked Grants] Defining the role of RET receptor tyrosine kinase in enteric neurogenesis (Co-Investigator)
2000- [URC Seed Funding] Role of GFRs in the development of enteric nervous system and in the aetiology of Hirschsprung's disease (Co-Investigator)
2000- [URC Seed Funding] Novel approach in induction of donor specific tolerance in small bowel transplantation model in rat: a pre-clinical study (Co-Investigator)
2000- [URC Seed Funding] Study the expression of 3' splicing veriants of RET protooncogene in mouse embryogenesis (Co-Investigator)
2000- [URC Seed Funding] Pathogenetic role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in necrotizing enterocolitis (Co-Investigator)
1999-2000 [CRCG] Inner ear abnormalities in children with Hirschsprung's disease (Co-Investigator)
1999-1999 [France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme] Studying the role of Sox 10 and Krox-20 genes in the migration and differentiation of vagel neural crest cells using the Dominant megacolon mutant mice (Co-Investigator)
1999- [RGC Earmarked Grants] Transgenic mouse models for studying the role of mouse SOX10 gene in enteric nervous system development (Co-Investigator)
1998-1999 [CRCG] Hirschsprung's disease may not be a localised neuropathy: an intestinal transit and autonomic and sensory nerve function study (Co-Investigator)
1997-1998 [Chinese Medicine Research, HKU] Acupressure for the prevention of nausea and vomiting complicating chemotherapy in children: an electrogastrographic study (Co-Investigator)
1997-1998 [CRCG] The effect of adriamycin on apoptosis in recanalization of duodenum in fetal rats (Co-Investigator)
1997-1998 [CRCG] Ileocolic intussusception and its variants: a sonographic-pathological correlative study (Co-Investigator)
1987-1989 [Pharmax Ltd and Roussel Laboratories Ltd] Selective decontamination on colonisation and infection rates in a neonatal surgical unit (Co-Investigator)
1985-1986 [University Research Grant (Hong Kong)] Evaluation of diagnostic techniques and early and late results of the treatment of biliary atresia to hepaticoportoenterostomy (Co-Investigator)
1985-1987 [University Research Grant (Hong Kong)] Gastric emptying after posterior trunkal vagotomy with seromyotomy of the anterior lesser curve assessed by epigastric impedance (Co-Investigator)
- [Health and Medical Research Fund/HMRF] Towards establishing a genetic risk profile for Hirschsprung disease: pathway-centric approach to model polygenic risk (Co-Investigator)
- [Health and Medical Research Fund/HMRF] Functional interrogation of non-coding regulatory regions identified from Hirschsprung disease patients (Co-Investigator)
- [Health and Medical Research Fund/HMRF] Organoid systems to study the effect of steroid in modulating immune-mediated inflammation in biliary atresia: a bridge to therapeutic application (Co-Investigator)
- [RGC Central Allocation for fundable not funded project] A clinico-radiologico-pathological study of the development, progression and treatment of intussusception using an animal model (Co-Investigator)
- [S.K. Yee Medical Research Fund] Neural crest-derived cells: role in functional repair of the nervous system (Co-Investigator)
- [S.K. Yee Medical Research Fund] Provision of modern surgical care to poor children with congenital anomalies in southern China (Co-Investigator)
- [Studies Related to Melamine Incident] The melamine milk – kidney and developmental toxicity: impact on the foetus and the disease development later in life (Co-Investigator)
2021-2022 [RGC Collaborative Research Fund/CRF] Integrative multi-omics and niche biology approach for precision medicine of Hirschsprung disease (Co-Principal Investigator)
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